You know that Donald Trump has been claiming very clearly and precisely that he won the electoral vote, and that it only looks like he did not because of voter fraud, meaning, that a certain number of American citizens voted twice, or otherwise rigged the elections. This would have to have involved thousand, tens of…
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Trump calls for a year in jail for flag burners
… and loss of citizenship, which may amount to be thrown out of the country. Flag burning may be obnoxious to many, but it is a constitutionally protected act, as long as it is your flag and you do it outside. Presumptive President Elect Donald Trump has called for severe penalties for flag burners: Nobody…
Monday, November 28, 2016
Science-Nerd LEGO Ideas Ideas
You know what LEGO is. Do you know what LEGO Ideas is? This is a program where people — not normal people but Lego Ninja Expert people — propose lego builds. The builds are normally actually built, but some are just designed or have parts that are just designed. These propose builds are then vetted…
Creating a Better Refinery Work Environment with LED
Being a facility or plant manager of a refinery can seem like a huge task. In fact it is, and being aware of every aspect of the facility can be tough. Luckily, we are creating this piece to take a look specifically at lighting, and how an upgrade to LED refinery lights will benefit you and your refinery a ton.
The benefits of LED are great; from lower energy consumption, no flickering or buzzing, and even higher quality of light. These are only a few of the benefit that LEDs in a refinery will do, but they definitely are the main benefits.
We mentioned flickering, buzzing, high electricity bills, and low quality light. Can LEDs seriously fix all of these issues? The simple answer to this is YES, yes they can. In fact, they will fix all of those issues and more; all of which will produce an ROI and benefit your work safety and efficiency.
Let’s talk about those points that we listed above, and how they are going to benefit your refinery...
Flickering. Other technologies such as high pressure sodium, metal halide, or other HID lights (even fluorescent too), are all susceptible to flickering. As you probably know, being around a flickering light for just 10 minutes (let alone all day), can become very distracting and annoying.
This can take away attention from tasks at hand, which can create a serious security risk on the job. By upgrading to LEDs (which will never flicker), you literally wipe this issue from ever existing in your facility again. How? Well, the way that LEDs are made simply doesn’t allow for such annoyance to every fall into play. And no, not even near the end of an LEDs life span will it start to flicker (unlike those other technologies)!
Buzzing. Buzzing goes hand in hand with flickering, it can get annoying and cause distractions. Once again, LED lighting will never, ever buzz; allowing you to skip right past this issue entirely too.
Lower energy consumed. We bet that you probably have a ton of lights at your refinery, easily more than 100. If not, you probably have a lot of lights; and a lot of high energy consuming ones. What if you could replace those 400w metal halide fixtures with a 100w LED? That would be a huge reduction in energy consumption, and when you start talking about a lot of lights; the savings month to month will be extremely noticeable.
How is this possible that a 100w LED can replace a 400w metal halide (or any other HID technology)? Because LEDs are more efficient, they do this by outputting more light (or lumens) per watt; thus, requiring less overall wattage to output the same amount of light a higher wattage light may be using. It really is a simple concept, and once you understand lumens per watt and how it plays a role into calculating efficiency of a fixture; you will discover how much waste goes into powering a very inefficient fixture.
Low quality of light. LED is known for offering not only the best quality of light, but also it depreciates much slower. When we talk about depreciation with lighting, we are talking about lumen depreciation. In short terms, this is something that happens to all light fixtures. What it does is reduces the amount of actual light output that a given fixture gives out overtime. So while a metal halide at the beginning of it’s life might output at 15,000 lumens, give it a few years and it will be down at 11,000. This makes areas underlit, and again that can cause major safety issue to employees and visitors. With LED, although they too depreciate in lumens, it is a much slower pace and overall much lower than metal halide and HPS light sources. This can allow you to never face an issue of under lighting, or overlighting. Because facilities often over overlight in the start to account for this; which overlighting is no good either. It increases costs associated with buying more fixtures initially, all for what? Nothing, because less fixtures and less energy with LED will produce the same amount of light that more fixtures and more watts metal halide will output.
What types of fixtures are even found in refineries?
Some of the non-tech savvy refinery managers out there may not know the “official” terms of lighting fixtures out there. Believe it or not, knowing what the names ar eis highly important to better know what to look for when researching fixtures you may want to upgrade to. Here is a list of most common fixtures used in or outside of a refinery:
High Bays (used for high ceilings indoors)
High masts (used for outdoor lighting, high in the air)
Hallway Lights (panels & tubes) (mostly for outside)
Outdoor lighting (wall packs, parking lot lights, flood lights)
Vapor proofs and / or tights (used to prevent both dirt or gases from entering lights)
Final thoughts
Hopefully all of this info regarding refinery lighting and the benefits of LED will help you when it comes time to make an upgrade in your lighting system at your facility. Remember all of the benefits and how LED will actually produce an ROI, and it will be an easy choice!
This is what racism looks like
Trigger warning: This post contains several documented images of racist or similar messages found through history and throughout the world, including a handul from the US over the last few weeks. These are provided as documentation to go along with the text of this blog post and to inform the reader of the nature of…
Sunday, November 27, 2016
This is a pretty good example of Trump’s deplorables being deplorable. A similar letter was sent to each of several locations in southern California. Details here.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Don’t get mugged by voting irregularities
So, today I was on my way to the pharmacy to buy important medicine for my son. The medicine cost about 50 bucks, and I had a fifty dollar bill in my back pocket. In my front pocket, I had a twenty. Just before I walk into the pharmacy, this dude with a mask comes…
Friday, November 25, 2016
Clinton-Trump Gap in Key States
As you know, there is interest in doing a recount for the presidential balloting in three key states. The chance that a recount in these three states would change Trump’s win (290 to 232 electoral votes). But, it is possible that a recount could demonstrate irregularities that should be addressed. Also, there is the possibility…
Lego Technic Builder’s Guide
The Unofficial LEGO Technic Builder’s Guide by Pawet “Sariel” Kmiec (Second Edition) tells you how to build machines, models, robots, etc. that will work. You need to construct these things in a way that ensures they won’t easily fall apart, and that requires a certain amount of engineering. There are some fairly expensive and specialized…
Thursday, November 24, 2016
You think this year’s election is strange?
Clinton beat Trump by a large margin, by electoral standards. A couple of percent is actually a lot these days. Yet so far it appears that Trump won the electoral vote, even though those votes are not yet cast and who knows what is actually going to happen. But this year, strange as it it…
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
The Feast: A Thanksgiving Day Story
The enemy has arrived, in force, outside your village. The men are armed and wearing the symbols of war, which is appropriate because your group and the group milling about outside your walled settlement are at war. One of the men, wearing war garb but adorned also with white feathers to indicate a peaceful intent,…
Emergency Thanksgiving Help: Books for Uncle Bob
When I go to Thanksgiving, all the people there will be reasonable. Also, this will be in Minnesota where politics are not discussed. And if they are discussed, my Father-in-Law has well developed techniques to run interference, as is his responsibility as head of the hosting household. There will be chairs to get from the…
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Changing the racist mind after Trump
Question: How do we wipe out racism by making racists not be so racist? Answer: We don’t. We do something else that actually works. The expanding Trump-fueled conversation about racism It has been absolutely fascinating to observe myriad conversations reacting to the Trump electoral win. All the usual suspects are engaged, but also, many others…
Monday, November 21, 2016
Hurricane Otto
This is a bit late in the year for an Atlantic Hurricane. The season normally runs from June 1st through November 30th, but that includes a bit of buffer time. Otto is a tropical storm that will turn into a hurricane on Wednesday, probably, and make landfal near the border of Nicaragua and Costa Rica.…
Where are LED Vapor Tight Lights Used
There are tons of applications and environments in which a vapor tight light is needed, or at least recommended. From food grade facilities to garages, the need for vapor tight lights is definitely there.
But why are LED vapor tights the superior technology to use over say metal halide or fluorescent? Here are just a few reasons why a vapor tight LED fixture wins over any other lighting technology by a long shot.
Less energy consumption. LEDs are known to use up to 75% less than other competing technologies, especially metal halide. Even when converting from fluorescent lights you can realize a energy savings of 30% too. This proves LED to be the most efficient technology available on the lighting market today, and it’s one of the major reasons companies are making the switch every single day and realizing the benefits that they bring to any commercial building or space.
Longer lifespans. Longer lifespans allow you to reduce the amount of lights you by when they burn out. By switching to LED, you will be able to reduce luminaire maintenance by 2-3 times! This allows you to reduce costs associated with buying new luminaires, as well as less maintenance costs and fees. This is especially true for those buildings with high ceilings, as lights can get very expensive and timely to switch at higher heights.
Rebates, high quality of light, and more. We think the list could go on and on; and all of these are just a scratch on the surface of why LED wins vs metal halide and really any other lighting technology.
Now let's discuss where exactly these vapor tight LEDs are best used. These are the popular applications that we find LED vapor tight lights:
Parking Garages:
Since parking garages, more often or not, are semi exposed to the elements, a vapor tight light will keep out any moisture or more importantly dirt that would otherwise get into your light fixture and effect its life. By having vapor tights in your parking garage, you will realize longer lifespans and lights that output at proper levels throughout their life.
Industrial Refrigeration:
An often unknown benefit of LED technology is that out perform any other lighting technology in cold temperatures, which makes them the ideal lighting technology for industrial refrigerators and storage. The biggest issue in these types of environments is the buildup of condensation, which is the major reason why vapor tight lights make for the perfect fixture in this type of scenario.
Industrial food processing facilities
The need for a very clean space inside an industrial building which produces and works with consumables is a must. That is why more often than not, often spraying down and cleaning of the lighting fixtures is very common. If you don’t plan for this and don’t install vapor tight fixtures, you are in for some trouble. By having vapor tights you allow for proper cleaning of the fixtures without risking any effect of the light itself.
As you can see, the need for vapor tight technology is there and it’s highly important for many different applications. By installing LED technology ran vapor tights, you also opt-in for the benefits that LED brings to any building, along with the power that vapor tights bring which consists of resisting water, dirt, and dust.
Quality Outdoor Flood Lights are a Must
Floor lights for businesses are crucial, especially if you want any chance to be able to be seen at night time. But any flood light won’t cut it; that is, if you want to keep a good image and keep overhead costs associated with your lights low.
We want to talk about why quality outdoor commercial floods are vital to businesses, for both security, durability, and even better curb appeal (which we all know is huge for businesses which rely on foot traffic coming in the door).
Here, let's start the list off with security; a huge topic that is important to every single business out there:
Security is huge. Typically commercial flood lights are used to light up the exterior of a building; a lot of the time strictly for security purposes. This is exactly why we are listing is #1, because security lighting is the main purpose of these lights.
If you have lighting fixtures that are meant to light up your outside, but lack the ability to do so; what good are they? This is the issue with technologies like metal halide or HPS, they slowly lose their light output abilities over their lifespan and thus, slowly becoming less and less of a benefit and more and more of a risk. With technologies such as LED, they don’t lose as much light output throughout their lifespan, and thus even nearing the end of their life they will (most likely) still output proper abouts of light. In turn, your security lights with LED will never become so underlit that they are no longer doing their job.
So is curb appeal. Just as security of your people, customers, and property is important; so is getting people to come into your place of business. Without that, you wouldn't have anything to secure because you’d be out of business. Lights that flicker, buzz, or are underlit can turn people off as it not looking professional. With LEDs, you will never have any of these issues due to the way that they are made. So by converting to LED, you allow yourself to create a better curb appeal for your business, along with achieving all of these other benefits that are listed!
Durability = longer lifespan. We all know cheap things don’t last, and it stays true with outdoor flood lights, no exception. When you go after quality fixtures (talking about the exterior right now), you allow yourself to avoid fixtures that will fall apart after exposure to harsh environments that the outdoors presents. Ensuring that you buy outdoor lights of any kind to be tested and proven to withstand these harsh conditions the environment presents, you will be much better off in the long run knowing that they will last. Better yet, go for a company that will back up their claims and will guarantee they last for 5+ years.
Quality luminaire technology is important too. Everywhere on the web goes back to the fact that LED technology is by far the more efficient lighting technology out there, in nearly every aspect. From longer lifespans, to higher efficiency, to higher quality of light: LED wins. In fact, an LED light could use up to 75% less energy than say, metal halide lights would. On top of that, they are known to last 2-3 or even 4 times longer than other technologies; which allows you to reduce the amount of time you need to switch out burnt out bulbs in your fixtures.
Literally every aspect of LED wins over other technologies, and that is why they are always talked about as the “futures light.”
Less energy = less overhead. Like we stated in the previous point, LED uses far less energy than other technologies. For this reason, that is why we define LED as “quality” in regards to the technology itself.
If we said LED will save you 75% in energy usage, which can prove to pay you back (along with all of the other benefits listed here). So why not choose a lighting system that will pay you back and produce an ROI, all while giving you multiple other extremely valuable benefits?
We have done it, we listed all of the major reasons on not only what defines a quality flood light, but also why you need them.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Your Science Based Holiday Gift Guide! (For adults)
These are my suggestions, mostly books, for holiday gifts that have some sort of science relevance. See this guide for gift ideas for kids. (There is a pretty good chance that there is an idea or two in the Kids Guide for the adult in your life, depending on the adult.) For your Uncle Bob…
Discovering the Mammoth: A Tale of Giants, Unicorns, Ivory … by Joh McKay
Large hairy elephants got me into paleoanthropology, eventually. I had a strong interest in science, and it was nurtured and expanded by my frequent visits to the New York State Museum, and there was never a doubt in anyone’s mind, anywhere, that the coolest exhibit at that museum was the Cohoes Mastodon exhibit. Barbarians eventually…
Saturday, November 19, 2016
STEM Books And Toys For Kids: Your Science Holiday Shopping Guide
I’ve reviewed, researched, and generally looked around for a selection of gifts that could work for kids ranging from very small to High School (and beyond!?!?) that are science oriented. Coding The best kids coding books these days are probably those that use scratch. Before suggesting a couple, though, consider, especailly for older kids (middle…
Friday, November 18, 2016
They came for the Muslims …
They are coming for the Muslims, and they will not stop there. Registries exist and we have no problem with some of them. Sex offenders, known bad guys, that sort of thing. They really aren’t even registries, but records governed by due process. Then there are some others that we allow in our post 9/11…
How To Rescue The Nation From Donald Trump
This is not the best possible recourse, but it might be important. The idea here is to bring the Senate within reach as a body to oppose some of Trump’s worst moves, by making the 100th Senator, a seat in Louisiana for which the election has not yet been held, a Democrat instead of a…
Republicans Have No Ethics Ever, Proven
There may be a few individuals who are not in politics who have some ethics who still call themselves Republicans. One such person, a friend of mine for whom I have great respect, sent me an email the other day apologizing. For the whole Trump and Republican thing. But at the professional level, there isn’t…
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Prehistoric Mammals by Don Prothero: Review of excellent new book
The Princeton Field Guide to Prehistoric Mammals ,by Donald R. Prothero, is the first extinct animal book that you, dear reader, are going to give to someone for the holidays. This book is an interesting idea. Never mind the field guide part for a moment. This isn’t really set up like a field guide, though…
Sunday, November 13, 2016
What Are The Benefits of Upgrading Your Educational Lighting System
For any school of any kind, whether it be a college or grade school, the lighting system can near make or break the operations and objectives in that school.
From grades to overhead costs, all of these issues can be addressed by making an upgrade of your school's lights over to LED (away from technologies such as fluorescent). The types of benefits that you will discover in this post by converting to an LED system in your school are substantial in every way. If your school is currently struggling with lower than wanted grades overall, high energy expenses, and general disliking of your current educational lighting system; this post may shine light on why LED may be the way to go.
Some of the major benefits we are going to talk about regarding LED technology include the following:
LED will indirectly improve focus
Reduce your energy consumption by 30% (or more)
Receiving rebates
Retrofitting to save more
Less maintenance costs
As you can see from just the list above; the benefits of LED can and are pretty significant. The benefits make it near impossible to at least investigate the technology to see if it is something that can be implemented next time you need to replace the majority of your lighting fixtures.
Now, one last thing before we go more in-depth about the things just listed above. When considering to make the switch, there is always an initial investment. Although LED technology is slowly becoming cheaper and cheaper due to more competition and better technology; it still costs more than other technologies. But when you look at the larger picture, LED will actually save you a lot of money and produce a positive ROI. This is what you need to look at when considering a conversion, not just the initial investment costs.
Now, let's start off with how LED may indirectly improve focus in students…
Indirectly improve focus, remove distractions. The majority of complaints from lighting fixture (from those around them all day) are that they flicker or buzz. Even if a light is flickering or buzzing very slightly, it can still prove to be tremendously annoying and distracting, which ultimately takes away from learning experiences for students.
With a LED lighting system in place, you will never again face this issue. They literally will never flicker or buzz, it’s just in the way they are made to put it simply. On top of taking away from focus, they can prove to put stress on the eyes which can cause issues for students and staff alike. All of this is not fit for an environment like a classroom.
Reduce energy consumption by 30% up to 75%. Converting from fluorescent over to LED will let you realize a energy reduction up to 30%, which is still significant when you realize how long your lights are on during the day (often times on 10+ hours or more in school environments). As for converting your outside lights in the parking lot and sports field, you may be even to realize energy reductions by up to 75%. How is this so? Because technologies used outside typically consist of either metal halide, HPS, or similar. These are much more inefficient than LED, by up to 75% less at that!
Getting rebates. Only efficient lights get qualified to be eligible for rebates through your utility company. Two places that qualify efficient lights are EnergyStar and DesignLights Consortium. While EnergyStar mostly works with household lights, DLC deals with commercial and industrial lighting fixtures.
By getting products that are qualified by either of the two, you open yourself up to rebates through utility companies which can seriously add up and reduce your investment costs associated with the upgrade.
Retrofitting to save even more. Think about it, which makes more sense; buying an entire new fixture or just replacing the light source within the fixture? Of course just replacing the light source itself, which is also known as retrofitting.
The costs of retrofitting instead of a full replacement can up to 50% cheaper, which can prove to bring some serious savings. The only reason you’d really want a full replacement is if your current fixtures are old, outdated, and / or falling apart. Otherwise, a lighting retrofit makes perfect sense.
Lower maintenance costs. Lower costs from the maintenance department can be brought upon a longer lifespan light, which LED technology offers. By lasting 2-3 times longer, you can avoid paying people 2-3 times less to switch out lights when they burn out.
On top of this the added benefit of longer lifespans is that you need to less often buy new lights, which will obviously improve your ROI overall.
The benefits far outweigh the initial investment because it literally pays for itself and makes your school a better learning environment for all.
Don’t look over this option, research it and look into it more; for both your students and the bottom line!
Trump Attacks New York Times, Makes Grammatical Error
President Elect Donald Trump is tweeting again. See above. Phenomena is plural, phenomenon is singular. Here, the New York Times is being chastised for not covering the “Trump Phenomenon” in a way that the president elect finds acceptable. That is bordering very closely on a violation of the first amendment. Clearly, The Donald somehow managed…
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Safety Pins
OK, lets start out with the assumption that it does not matter who you or anyone else supported in the last election or what your politics are. If it happens, hypothetically, to be the case that a vulnerable person feels threatened by some sort of bully, wouldn’t you like that vulnerable person to know that…
Friday, November 11, 2016
Super Cool Tech and Kids Programming Books
I just received two books that I will be reviewing in more detail later, but wanted to let you know about now. Coding Projects in Scratch: A step by step guide by DK Publishers is a new scratch coding book. I got a copy a couple of days ago and have been going through it,…
Don’t worry, Trump’s hyperbole is meaningless. Right?
Look In case the point is not clear, read: Trump’s anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, was not so genuine or violent as it sounded, and he was merely using this language as bait to catch masses of followers, and keep them aroused, enthusiastic, and in line for the time when his organization is ready to make a…
Harry Reid Statement on Donald Trump
I thought you should see this, copied from here. Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement about the election of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States: “I have personally been on the ballot in Nevada for 26 elections and I have never seen anything like the reaction…
Get Your Dump Trump Bumper Sticker
I have assembled a handful of suggestions. The Dump Trump Hat Anti-Trump Navy Blue also comes in a “Fuck Trump” version and is very reasonably priced. I’ve already ordered mine. This second one is cheaper: Dump Trump- Navy Blue Hat/Cap- Low Profile- Adjustable 100% Cotton. I’m actually worried that I’ll wear out my Dump Trump…
#TheFirstMonday Movement: How to stop Trump right now
Secretary Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. The way the current Electoral College works, Trump won the Electoral Vote. However, from the point of view of Federal Law, he didn’t win anything yet. The Electors who gather in each state, with each state’s Secretary of State, to vote on the first Monday after the second…
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Why Trump Won And How To Fix That For Future Elections
Donald Trump is the president elect of the United States. Why? Trump did not win because he is widely liked. He is NOT widely liked. A very small number of Americans voted for Trump, and this number was magnified by the conservative-state-favoring electoral college, and most of those who did not vote for him not…
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Trump Won. What Next?
Remember those clowns a few weeks ago? The scary clowns? I think they were trying to tell us something. Did you know that 235,248,000 people are eligible to vote in the United States? Fewer than 120,000,000 of those people bothered to show up to vote this year, and turnout was considered high. Of those, about…
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
What do do if you fall off the subway platform?
I am shocked that this does not happen more often. First, don’t stand anywhere near the damn tracks to begin with. That should help stop you from falling or being pushed onto the tracks, unless you are a friend of Frank Underwood. Here’s what you do, these two things simultaneously. 1) Get out of the…
Tuesday Election Results: Open Thread
Dump your comments and observations here. I’ll be looking at several SOS web sites, and eventually I’ll find the best on line tracker of results for the whole country. During the primaries, the Washington Post was the best. Let me know if you have any ideas. So far heavy turnout has been noted in Minnesota,…
Monday, November 7, 2016
Electoral Vote, Popular Vote, Final Model Prediction, 2016 Clinton v Trump
The 2016 Electoral Vote Prediction I’m finished making predictions for the 2016 Presidential Election contest. According to my model, Hillary Clinton will win with 310 electoral votes to Donald Trump’s 228 electoral votes. The map is shown above. Caveats and wrongosities: My model puts Iowa barely in Clinton’s column. Polls say Iowa is for Trump.…
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Children Just Like Me: Book Review
Children Just Like Me: A Unique Celebration of Children Around the World is a new edition of DK’s famous diversity for children book. From the publisher: Children Just Like Me is an amazing children’s book showing everyday life through the eyes and words of children around the world. Offering a remarkable insight into the lives…
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Bridgegate Chickens Come Home To Roost: Waiting For Other Shoe To Drop
Chris Cristie is a thug.* Several of the people that Chris Cristie chose to run his administration are criminals. Going to prison criminals. Chris Cristie is in charge of selecting the people who will run the Trump administration. It all makes sense so far. The other shoe, the shoe we are waiting to drop, will…
The Electoral College Vote Three Days Before The Election
Who will win the electoral vote on Tuesday, November 8th? It is not what you say, but how you say it. For several days now, I’ve been told by some how totally wrong I am in my various analyses of the electoral map. Half the naysayers say “But but FiveThirtyEight says this, so you are…
Friday, November 4, 2016
What if Congress was your Coworker?
You would have only one option to stop the insanity.
Trump’s “Black Supporter” is from Defunct Florida Murder Cult
“Unwitting Trump embraces black supremacist cultist support” This story is precious. Here’s the thing. Michael the Blackman (that’s his name), the black guy who stands or sits behind Trump at many of his rallies, tells us that Hillary is the financier of slavery. We know this because Hilary’s name is Hillary Rodham Clinton. Rodham is…
Under President Trump, US No Longer Primary World Power
It appears that if Donald Trump is elected president, many world leaders, including the leaders of the Western European countries, will freeze out the US from intelligence and security decisions, because they have learned that they can’t trust Trump’s ability to manage or handle intelligence, and recognize that he will be Putin’s puppet. In phone…
We Now Know FBI Is Rigging Election
We now know that the several elements of the FBI, especially the New York Office, are manipulating this election in favor of Donald Trump, possibly in cahoots with Rudy Giuliani. This is not FBI Director Comey releasing vague memos. Well, there is that, but it is not clear if Comey wrote that damaging memo because…
Thursday, November 3, 2016
The Electoral College Map Five Days Out: Most Likely Trump Scenario is a Tie
The most likely way for Hillary Clinton to not win the presidency may be a tie between Secretary Clinton and Donald Trump. This is because, when one looks at the data a number of ways, and makes various adjustments, Clinton wins, often just barely, most of the time, except in what appears to be the…
The Electoral College Map Five Days Out: Most Likely Trump Scenario is a Tie
The most likely way for Hillary Clinton to not win the presidency may be a tie between Secretary Clinton and Donald Trump. This is because, when one looks at the data a number of ways, and makes various adjustments, Clinton wins, often just barely, most of the time, except in what appears to be the…
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Most Recent Polling Shows Tight Race
“Trump’s chance of victory have doubled over the last two weeks,” notes FiveThirtyEight, and this is in accord with what I’ve been saying. I suggested a few days ago that while Clinton would probably win, there is a nowhere near zero chance that she won’t. FiveThirtyEight came out with an analysis today very similar to…
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
How Will The Swing States Swing?
The election is one week off. I think I’ve convincingly demonstrated, here, that Clinton is likely but not certain to win, that Trump has something of a chance, but not a great one, and that the swing states, therefore, matter. There are a lot of states that are called swing states but are not. There…
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