Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Mueller has probably caught multiple small fish.

Many were surprised when the “first indictment” in Muller’s probe of Trump’s collusion with Russia to take over the United States was Trump’s actual campaign advisory, Paul Manafort. One expects prosecutors to go after the small fish first, then use their testimony to catch the bigger fish. But that confusion is almost instantly settled on […]

The post Mueller has probably caught multiple small fish. appeared first on Greg Laden's Blog.

source http://gregladen.com/blog/2017/10/31/mueller-probably-caught-multiple-small-fish/

Trump Isn’t the American Reality

Lately — since, oh, sometime in early November 2016 — I’ve been reading history, especially US history and especially centered on national history and presidents. Why? Because Donald Trump is not the American reality. Other things are the American Reality. They are not all good things, some are bad, but many are good. And with […]

The post Trump Isn’t the American Reality appeared first on Greg Laden's Blog.

source http://gregladen.com/blog/2017/10/31/trump-isnt-american-reality/

Sam Clovis hired both Carter Page and George Papadopoulos

Climate Hawks Votes has just released this very intereting statement pertaining to today’s revelations and arrests: News reports indicate that Trump USDA chief scientist nominee Sam Clovis hired both Carter Page and George Papadopoulos for the Trump presidential campaign. Furthermore, Clovis acted as supervisor to George Papadopoulos and encouraged Papadopoulos to go to Moscow during […]

The post Sam Clovis hired both Carter Page and George Papadopoulos appeared first on Greg Laden's Blog.

source http://gregladen.com/blog/2017/10/30/sam-clovis-hired-carter-page-george-papadopoulos/

My blogging at Scienceblogs.com ends now

From here on out, Greg Laden’s Blog will be here. I’ll be discussing the details on Ikonokast.com (that podcast will be out in a day or so) and I’ll probably write a blog post here, eventually. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, post them below!

The post My blogging at Scienceblogs.com ends now appeared first on Greg Laden's Blog.

source http://gregladen.com/blog/2017/10/30/blogging-scienceblogs-com-ends-now/

‘Twas the Night before Indictment …

‘Twas the night before serving, when all thro’ the house Congresscritters were stirring, even the mouse; The indictments were hung by the Grand Jury with care, In hopes that Judge Emmet soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug with their lawyers, While visions of men named sugar plum danced in their heads. […]

The post ‘Twas the Night before Indictment … appeared first on Greg Laden's Blog.

source http://gregladen.com/blog/2017/10/29/twas-night-indictment/

Do not touch the virtual shark tank

Do not touch the virtual shark tank:

The post Do not touch the virtual shark tank appeared first on Greg Laden's Blog.

source http://gregladen.com/blog/2017/10/29/not-touch-virtual-shark-tank/

“basically anyone who’s black and politically active”

That’s who the FBI seems to want to consider as a domestic terrorist, and thus, investigate and repress. We’ve seen this before. Happens every time there is a fascist in the White House. I’m sure there are plenty of wonderful, thoughtful, politically neutral FBI agents, the do a great service to the country, yada yada […]

The post “basically anyone who’s black and politically active” appeared first on Greg Laden's Blog.

source http://gregladen.com/blog/2017/10/29/basically-anyone-whos-black-politically-active/

Amazing Interview with Donald Trump

I have no idea why the press is not covering this more:

The post Amazing Interview with Donald Trump appeared first on Greg Laden's Blog.

source http://gregladen.com/blog/2017/10/28/amazing-interview-donald-trump/

By Monday, Someone Will Be Arrested In Trump-Russia Probe

This is what CNN is reporting. A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter. The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be […]

The post By Monday, Someone Will Be Arrested In Trump-Russia Probe appeared first on Greg Laden's Blog.

source http://gregladen.com/blog/2017/10/27/monday-someone-will-arrested-trump-russia-probe/

Rates of sexual assaults among college students, by gender orientation

This is just over a year old but just came across my desk. The study is: Sexual Assault Victimization Among Straight, Gay/Lesbian, and Bisexual College Students by Jessie Ford and Jose Soto-Marquez, Violence and Gender, June 2016. From the abstract: …this study investigates both the prevalence of sexual assault and its associated factors for straight, […]

The post Rates of sexual assaults among college students, by gender orientation appeared first on Greg Laden's Blog.

source http://gregladen.com/blog/2017/10/27/rates-sexual-assaults-among-college-students-gender-orientation/

Global warming is messing up sports

Global Warming is messing up Hockey. It is too warm too many days for the usual low tech solutions (like, “it is cold out”) to support casual neighborhood hockey play, which is considered a key feeder for the varsity, college, and pro levels. See: Global Warming Is Bad For Hockey. This is from the NHL […]

The post Global warming is messing up sports appeared first on Greg Laden's Blog.

source http://gregladen.com/blog/2017/10/27/global-warming-messing-sports/

Three cheap books readers of my blog might want to grab

A Mind For Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra) by Barbara Oakley “… offers the tools you need to get a better grasp of that intimidating material. Engineering professor Barbara Oakley knows firsthand how it feels to struggle with math. She flunked her way through high school math […]

The post Three cheap books readers of my blog might want to grab appeared first on Greg Laden's Blog.

source http://gregladen.com/blog/2017/10/27/three-cheap-books-readers-blog-might-want-grab/

Monday, October 30, 2017

Last Post

This is my last post at Scienceblogs.com. In the future I will be blogging at Greg Laden’s blog, located at its original home at gregladen.com. I have a feeling that Scienceblogs will not last long without me. What do you think? 🙂 But seriously, I’ll be talking about the story of the current status and…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/30/last-post/

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Hacking Voting Machines

In every area of life, but especially in the overlapping realms of technology, science, and health, misunderstanding how things work can be widespread, and that misunderstanding can lead to problems. In the area of voting, the main problem seems to be the expenditure of great amounts of outrage and concern over things that are not…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/10/hacking-voting-machines/

Thursday, October 5, 2017

On that chilling law suit against the environmental groups

… which I’ve posted on before … there are new developments, summarized at Inside Climate News: Invoking the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO, a federal conspiracy law devised to ensnare mobsters, the suit accuses the organizations, as well as several green campaigners individually and numerous unidentified “co-conspirators,” of running what amounts to…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/05/on-that-chilling-law-suit-against-the-environmental-groups/

One response to the Las Vegas Shooting

from a major non profit, click through the the X Blog to read the press release.

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/05/one-response-to-the-las-vegas-shooting/

Watch Jeff Merkley Wipe Floor With Trump’s William Wehrum

William Wehrum is a lawyer and once, apparently, worked for the EPA. Trump is trying to appoint him to be assistant administrator for air and radiation. This is a reasonably important job that concerns many aspects of the environment. Watch: You've got to be kidding me with this nominee. pic.twitter.com/85w8Ru2618 — Senator Jeff Merkley (@SenJeffMerkley)…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/05/watch-jeff-merkley-wipe-floor-with-trumps-william-wehrum/

100 megawats of solar in Minnesota

Solar gardens in the state have just reached the 100 megawatt milestone. This is actually something of a disappointment because a few years ago, Xcel, the main energy company involved in this, projected that we’d be at 200 megawatts by some time last year. On the other hand there are close to 180 new projects…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/05/100-megawats-of-solar-in-minnesota/

The Energy East Pipeline Is Toast

Witness the overall demise of fossil fuel pipelines, thanks in part to the hard work of amazing activists, and in part to the fact that the value of these pipelines is dropping fast, which in turn, can be attributed in no small part to the hard work of amazing activists. And now, the latest: From…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/05/the-energy-east-pipeline-is-toast/

Puerto Rico, now’s your chance!

Puerto Rico can become the first significant size polity to rebuild itself from the ground up to be totally Carbon free. Or at least, that seems like a good idea. If only the US Government wasn’t so anti-Puerto Rico, owing to the president being, well, Trump. Anyway, there is now a pile of money and…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/05/puerto-rico-nows-your-chance/

Trump Loses Another Fight, or two

The Trump Administration, in the person of Interior Secretary Zinke, tried to eliminate Obama-era limitations on greenhouse gas emissions from the petroleum industry. The Administration tried to use the “Administrative Procedure Act to turn off provisions intended to reduce how much natural gas petroleum drillers could vent or burn on public or tribal lands. This…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/05/trump-loses-another-fight-or-two/

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Joel Clement Resigned today

You will remember Clement as the whistle blower at the Department of the Interior who was harassed for showing how climate change affects communities in Alaska. He was removed from his job by Fake Interior Secretory Zinke and given a new job removing staples from paperwork or something similar. Zinke similarly reassigned several others at…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/04/joel-clement-resigned-today/

Hurricane Nate

The next named storm in the Atlantic Hurricane Basin will be called Nate. There is currently a tropical depression located not far from Nicaragua that is expected to become a named storm pretty soon. It may pass over or interact with land between now and Friday, but if it does what the experts project, some…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/04/hurricane-nate/

Cheap Science Books

Two science books cheap (Kindle version, two bucks): The Male Brain: A Breakthrough Understanding of How Men and Boys Think Dr. Louann Brizendine, the founder of the first clinic in the country to study gender differences in brain, behavior, and hormones, turns her attention to the male brain, showing how, through every phase of life,…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/04/cheap-science-books/

Getting a paper past pee review

OK, maybe that’s a bit extreme, but some kids take longer than others … But seriously, this is a heartwarming and touching story of science reaching into childhood and yanking some poor unsuspecting kid into the world of … academia… From Once Teased For Her Love Of Bugs, 8-Year-Old Co-Authors Scientific Paper. Sophia was a…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/04/getting-a-paper-past-pee-review/

Climate and energy are becoming focal points in state political races

Just a pointer to my colleague John Abraham’s current post in The Guardian: The latest example, Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Otto has a strong clean energy proposal As soon as Donald Trump won the presidential election, people in the US and around the world knew it was terrible news for the environment. Not wanting to…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/04/climate-and-energy-are-becoming-focal-points-in-state-political-races/

Netflix gets Stranger

Stranger Things Season 2 will be available on October 27th, just in time for Halloween. I expect there will be widespread disappointment, because there is always a lot of disappointment from the usual suspects when something loved is extended, redone, or done again. Part of the charm of the first season was discovering the 1980s…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/04/netflix-gets-stranger/

Hello Darkness ….

to lighten up your day a bit: OK, sorry, maybe that was depressing. Sorry.

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/04/hello-darkness/

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Why Donald Trump Is Being So Bad To Puerto Rico

Visiting Arkansas, hanging around briefly with some people in the Real Estate business, I found a lot of hatred of Mexicans, whom they unimaginatively referred to as “spics” but making it clear they were talking about Mexicans, not some other spics. Sitting with a group of people talking about racism in an urban neighborhood in…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/03/why-donald-trump-is-being-so-bad-to-puerto-rico/

Math Mystery Book That Is Bilingual

You can solve mysteries with math, and you can do it in either English or Spanish, with One Minute Mysteries – Misterios de un Minuto: Short Mysteries You Solve With Math! – ¡Misterios Cortos que Resuelves con Matemáticas!, by Yoder and Yoder. The original version of this book was all English, and was a best…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/03/math-mystery-book-that-is-bilingual/

Trump: Puerto Rico Did Not Suffer A Real Catastrophe, And It Is All Fixed Anyway

Today, Donald Trump told Puerto Rico that they dodged a bullet, that the hurricane that hit them was not a real catastrophe, that only a couple of people died, that he, Trump, is doing a great job, but would Puerto Rico please try to spend less money on fixing things up. President Trump: “I hate…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/03/trump-puerto-rico-did-not-suffer-a-real-catastrophe-and-it-is-all-fixed-anyway/

Vote Down The Guns

First a word about our lovely press. If I hear one more reporter grovel and squirm about how we don’t really want to hurt the NRA or take away any gun rights or do anything unreasonable, no, no, we just want to assume there is a solution to the carnage that does not inconvenience any…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/03/vote-down-the-guns/

Monday, October 2, 2017

More guns equals more gun deaths

And lax legislation and elected representatives who run their elections using money from the gun industry make sure there are PLENTY of guns to go around. People who are running for office who have pro NRA positions and/or take gun money should be drummed out of politics. The rate of gun ownership in a state…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/02/more-guns-equals-more-gun-deaths/

Birds of Australia: New Book

There are close to just under 900 species of bird in Australia, and The Australian Bird Guide by Peter Menkhorst, Danny Rogers, Rohan Clarke, Jeff Davies, Peter Marsack, and Kim Franklin covers just over 900 of them. Where do the extras come from? Sea birds in the nearby oceans, I think. This is an excellent…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/02/birds-of-australia-new-book/

Considering Candidates Post Las Vegas Massacre: Rule Out Tim Walz

A man who was not even known as a gun collector amassed an arsenal that all experts agree included illegal fully automatic weapons. He carried out an act of carnage, alone and using only those weapons, that exceeded in casualty count almost every military battle fought in recent decades by American troops, and that equaled…

source http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2017/10/02/considering-candidates-post-las-vegas-massacre-rule-out-tim-walz/